The Porn Myth: Exposing the Reality Behind the Fantasy of Pornography
( Review 1007 )The Porn Myth is a non-religious response to pro-pornography arguments. It draws from the experience of porn performers, recent research from neurology, sociology, and psychology to build a case for why pornography is destructive to individuals, relationships, and society. Matt Fradd provides insightful arguments, including the latest scientific research, on nearly every relevant subject imaginable, exposing the negative impact pornography has on our minds, our relationships, and our culture.This book addresses the neurological reasons porn is addictive, helps individuals learn how to be free of porn, and offers real help to parents and the spouses of porn users.Thanks to such new research on pornography's harmful effects on the brain, on relationships, and on society, there is today a wave of passionate individuals trying to change the cultural norm—inspiring others to pursue real love and avoid its hollow counterfeit. Today's younger generation wants a love that is untainted by war
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Book Title
The Porn Myth: Exposing the Reality Behind the Fantasy...
Matt Fradd
Date Published